Tuesday, September 20, 2005

fighting the unseen (II)

haha..continue from the previous entry..
actually a life of Christ is a life of conflict cuz Satan is fighting us.so as christians we will always face spiritual warfares.When a person comes to know Christ and is born again,the Bible says he is removd from Satan's control and becomes part of God's kingdom!
thus the ONLY way Satan can influence us is by decieving us into thinking that he actually has power over us.which was wad he was trying to do to me.haha.now i kinda of felt dumb that i almost believe him.haha.then after that i was laughing and scolding Him for being so dumb..going around tricking people.and i really wanted to kick his butt.
even though we need not to be scared of him because we have Christ in us but we still need to remain alert in our spiritual life so that we will not be tempted or decieved by him.

Let us put on the full armor of God (belt of truth,plate of righteousness,gospel of peace,shield of faith!,helmet of slavation and sword of the Spirit which is the word of God)
so that when the day of evil comes we may be able to stand firm!
Let us keep pressing on for Him!because He is juz so AWESOME and WONDERFUL!!!Amen?


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