Thursday, February 16, 2006

God's grace

actually i have been thinking alot during the past few days.i looked back at my life and i can see God's grace strongly shown in my life.Our God is a gracious God.He always give us waht we need and sometimes even more than enough..sometimes we think have not enough cuz we have unlimited wants.we are greedy.we always want more.that's human nature.and then we start sulking why cant we have i look back my past,i realsie God has indeed have been very very kind to me.during my primary sch, i always aim to go River teachers said i cant make it.even my parents dun really believe i can get in.but God helped me got in.It is by God's grace that i got in and not by how hard i studied.
and when comes to sec sch.i always wanted to get into ACJC even till my O levels finished.but yet i wanted more..i was hoping to get a 9 pts raw result for my Os...and on the day of collection,i was disappointed and also very sad cuz i din get what i want..but actually my points fulfilled the requirement marks to get into ACJC.but i wasnt happy.being greedy i wanted to go VJC if i can.and i din expect my chem to get a B3..cuz i studied hard.i sulk and got very sad.but then i realise again,it is not how much i studied to get into the sch i want(even though i cant deny that studying of course is a factor) but most imptly it is God's grace that got me in..i felt that sth might have gone wrong with my chem paper..cuz i really found it very easy n i checked my ans and most of them are correct.but heck.ultimately it is in His least he limits my choice
and that i dun have to choose..

whichever JC i go..i hope to shine in there and really live like His child.yupp


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